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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: My team does not know anything about risk at all. Does that place my team at a disadvantage?


A:  Absolutely not! The RICT is aimed at raising awareness of how risk is related to all aspects of business and our everyday lives. Thus, what the RICT is looking out for is fresh perspectives from your team on your interpretation of risk, not textbook interpretation of risk.

Q: I am interested in participating in the RICT 2013, but I am unable to form a team.

A: Don’t worry! Just drop us an email at and we will link you up with like-minded students out there who are looking to form teams. In your email, please include the following details:

1. Name

2. University and Course of study

3. Year of study

4. Contact number

We will get back to you on the status of your application as soon as possible. However, if you have managed to form a team during the waiting period, kindly inform us and we will remove your name from the list.

Q: What does the theme “Risk in the Reset World” mean exactly?

A: “Risk in the Reset World” is a term used by Deloitte to describe the differences in the world 10 years ago and the current world. With technological advancements and changes in world demographics, the risk landscape has evolved. Thus, the competition entails exploring the different risks involved in current issues, as well as exploring these risks from a global perspective.

Information Session

Q: Is the information session compulsory?

A: No, the information session is not compulsory but we strongly encourage at least 1 member from each team to attend. This is because the case questions for preliminary will be released during the information session, and professionals from Deloitte Enterprise Risk Services will be giving a short presentation on risk. 

The presentation will aid the teams in answering the essay question during the preliminary rounds. In addition, the information session provides opportunities for you to clarify any questions relating to RICT 2013 with the organising committee.

Q: My team is unable to attend the information session. How do we obtain the questions for the preliminary rounds?

A: The soft copy of the case questions will be sent via e-mail to all team leaders shortly after the information session.


Q: I am worried about the format of the finals – debates. My team does not have any prior experience in debating, so will this place us at a disadvantage?

A: The conduct of the risk debate mirrors the idiosyncrasies of the corporate world and also highlights the importance of being able to articulate one’s thoughts and opinions.

While it is important for the team to present their ideas in a coherent manner, having solid arguments backed up with the appropriate justifications still play an important role in deciding which team is more convincing. Therefore, any prior debate experience may help but it is not an essential skill to win the finals.

Didnt't see the question that you would like answered here? Email your question to and we will answer you as soon as possible.

Latest Updates:

Added photos taken during the semi-finals and finals, under 'Photo Gallery'. View


Added Info Session slides under 'Competition Details' > 'Information Session'. View


Essay topics for the Preliminary Round have been released! View


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